This article is for anyone looking to transition into Freelancing or aiming to be outstanding at it …
Besides, if you just lost a job, NOW is the best time to explore this.
Most importantly, if you want to be in control of your working hours and how much you earn…
This is for YOU.
Likewise, if financial freedom is the end goal. You’re at the right place.
Here’s What You Need To Be A Successful Freelancer
1. An Idea – Firstly, what service do you have to sell that others will buy?
2. A Plan – You need to treat your freelancing as a proper business.
For instance, write down every step you’re going to take and make projections of how much you want to be earning/ month for the first 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year.
3. A Pricing System – Your freelance rates is determined by your
- Industry/ Niche,
- Geographic area you’re prospecting for clients,
- Skill set, and
- Experience.
4. Savings – If you’re currently working a 9-5 job and want to transition completely into freelancing, It’s best to have some savings that will carry you through a few months.
Why? How Does This Help To Be A Successful Freelancer?
Again, it’s best not to start too desperate for money…
That way you don’t end up taking clients who want to pay you pennies for your work.
5. A Client Outreach List – This is equally important, I talked about this and how you can build one in here
6. A Digital Footprint & Social Proof – You can get this by simply adding whatever it is you to to your social media and LinkedIn bio.
For instance, if you’re a copywriter, You can have “Copywriter” in your bio.
You can likewise get your work featured in major publications in your industry.
7. Discipline – Many people get into freelancing thinking that they won’t need to work as hard as people who work regular jobs… That my friend is a lie.
Starting a new career with this mindset however, is the reason why many give up before even landing their first client.
You need to have discipline knowing that with the right plan, hard work, and consistency, everything will come together.
8. Persistence – Even I have dark days. But they’re not as much as they were in the beginning.
Don’t get discouraged if you find yourself wondering whether you’ve made a mistake.
Take this from me, if you keep at it, you will look back at everything and wonder why you were so scared in the beginning.
And Finally…
9. A willingness to re-access – Remember how I said to start with a plan that has your earning targets for your first months as a freelancer…
At those set intervals, ask yourself if you’ve achieved your goals.
It’s OK if the answer is no — Above all, the important thing is to check in with yourself occasionally and do what you need to do to reach your goals.
That’s it!
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